Kathleen Morris, posting on the Edublogger, has a great article with ideas on how to structure your lessons online, free tools to set up and run virtual classrooms, tips for online learning and much, much more.
Tim Evans posted a great list on Twitter of EdTech companies which are currently offering free upgrades to their programmes to schools which are closed due to the virus. If you’re not on Twitter, just search for the company online to find their website.
If you are worried about school closures, it may be worth joining Twitter to connect with teachers who are currently in areas with school closures. Many teachers in Italy and China especially are posting about their experiences and it can be a great place to pick up ideas and tips. You can find lots of useeful tweets by searching for #schoolclosure.
Also, if you haven’t taught online before, you may want to look into doing some training to make the most of the experience. Cambridge Assessment English have a free course on FutureLearn. It isn’t running at the moment, but you can sign up to be kept informed of upcoming dates.
There’s a free course on Coursera starting today from the University of New South Wales. It’s a four-week course and the course providers estimate it’ll take around 20 hours to complete the modules.
The British Council offer a five-week online training course for teachers who are looking at developing their online teaching skills. It has a flexible timetable, though expect to spend 1-2 hours a day working online and offline to develop your skills.