On 5th October, IATEFL are holding a free web conference to coincide with World Teacher’s Day. There are 16 sessions to choose from over the day, with topics ranging from Assessment Training for Language Teachers to Celebrating Diversity in YL Literature. Daniel Barber, one of Active Language’s original founders, is running a joint plenary on Exploring our ELT Footprint – a hot topic for today’s climate crisis. Find out more information about all the sessions and speakers on the conference site.
At the end of the month, IATEFL’s YLTSIG (Young Learners and Teens Special Interest Group) are holding a three-day web event. The programme is jam-packed full of exciting sessions with speakers from around the world sharing their experiences and opinions on teaching younger learners and teens. If you trained with Chris Roland, you might be especially interested in seeing him in action again on Friday 25th with a session called I see you! Reassuring our lower secondary learners. To register fort he event, complete their online form.
TEFL del Sur
Into November now and the local teachers’ association is holding the first of their three annual events in Academia Chelsea in Cádiz on Saturday 9th. No details yet on the speakers or format of their event, but follow them on Facebook to keep up-to-date on what’s happening. Read about one of their previous events on our blog.
Their annual conference is coming up on Saturday 23rd November. Two of Active’s teacher trainers, Claire and T, will be presenting sessions there this year. Claire is giving a session on implementing learner choice and looking at how we can effectively bring autonomy into the classes across all ages. T’s session, For EdTech’s Sake!, will look at some low-tech options teachers can incorpoate into their classes whilst asking whether they’re really necessary tools. You can download a full programme for the event here.