This month in Tutor Talk we are asking our tutors for advice, inspiration and amusing facts!
Name: T
Something even the other tutors don’t know about you: Hee hee – do I want to share my deepest, darkest secrets?!
Favourite thing about Cádiz: Enjoying a cold beer in a beach bar with the sand between my toes as the sun goes down
Places you have taught English as a Foreign Language: Spain and the UK
Top teaching moment: Realising that all of us, no matter how long we’ve been teaching, are constantly learning and that even more experienced teachers can have off lessons and that that’s OK – you learn from them and become a better teacher
Favourite thing about the Trinity Cert. In TESOL: The phonology input sessions and the moment when you tell people why we say a or an
Parts of the course you are involved with: I’m one of the phonology and Learner Profile tutors, as well as being involved in the TYLE course
Top advice you would give course participants preparing to do the Trinity Cert. In TESOL: Be prepared for TESOL to take over your life for five weeks – but it’s so worth it because of the opportunities you’ll have at the end
And finally why people should choose to do the course in Cádiz: We’ve been running the course for over ten years and all the tutors are very professional, approachable and friendly. Plus the school is right next door to a delicious ice cream place!