…my CertTESOL gave to me…
The course covers a wide range of topics including phonology, teaching the four skills, teaching grammar and lexis, using technology, different ELT methodologies and much more. Every day, you’ll have three input sessions: one in the morning and two in the afternoon. These are designed not only to provide you with a theoretical background to teaching English, but also to showcase activities which you can put into practice in your lessons. You’ll try out activities such as guided visualisations, running dictations, categorising activities and many more which will enable you to provide engaging, motivating tasks for your own classes.
One of the graded units of the course is Unit Two: Language Awareness and the knowledge which you have gained in these input sessions is tested in an exam in the final week of the course – so keep your notes organized! If you-re looking to get a headstart on your language awareness, there are some useful links here from T, one of the course tutors.