Active Language

On the fourth day of Christmas

…my CertTESOL gave to me…

Our Trinity CertTESOL courses have a maximum of 15 trainees per course and you’ll spend a lot of time with the group as a whole during the three daily input sessions which we have.  However, for teaching practice, you’ll be divided into smaller groups with a maximum of five trainees.  Your peers will observe your lessons, providing feedback on the incredible progress you’ll be making as well as providing constructive comments and suggestions for areas to improve.  Likewise, you’ll observe their lessons, either with a general observation task, or a more focussed task looking at areas such as giving instructions, effective teacher talk, classroom interaction and more.

Trainees on the course make lasting friendships with peers and the support which you offer each other is overwhelmingly positive.  You’ll also meet a wonderful variety of people on the course as trainees come with a wide range of educational and professional backgrounds: some are on a gap year or have just finished university, others are looking for a change of career and the opportunity to travel, whilst others may be looking to retire abroad and find a way to work within their local community.


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2019 collection

Let’s face it, no look is really complete without the right finishes. Not to the best of standards, anyway (just tellin’ it like it is, babe). Upgrading your shoe game. Platforms, stilettos, wedges, mules, boots—stretch those legs next time you head out, then rock sliders, sneakers, and flats when it’s time to chill.