One of the things I love about Cádiz is how unassuming and unpretentious it is. Perhaps that’s why few tourists get this far… but those who do are highly rewarded!
Back in the spring, on my way home from one of our Active Language centres, I stumbled across one of my idols, Rick Stein, filming an episode of his latest BBC series “Rick Stein Long Weekends”. The following night I had arranged to meet some friends for dinner in the same square and commented to the waiter how cool it was that they had served a famous British chef the night before. “Oh really?” they replied, “How famous?” I wrote his name on a serviette and he disappeared. Moments later he raced back – “He’s got 300 000 followers on twitter!!”
One of the unique facets of our TESOL course at Active Language is that our course is held over 5 weeks (Monday to Thursday) instead of 4. You will understand why we want you to have longer weekends to enjoy this incredible and very much hidden treasure of a city if you watch this week’s episode which will be aired on BBC2 on Friday 25th November at 9pm UK time.
We can guarantee you will fall in love with Cádiz! So tune in and then apply online here to join us on one of our next courses in March, July or August so you too can enjoy lots of lovely long weekends in Cádiz at the same time as getting certified in one of only two world-wide recognised and accredited TEFL qualifications. We are waiting for you…and so is the tapas!
1 thought on “Rick Stein spends a Long Weekend in Cádiz”
Thanks for sharing this excellent information. I really like this post.
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