Our job as language teachers is to help learners improve, some of this is process, some of this is art. Part of the art of teaching is feeling when and how it's best to correct errors. Is it better to correct in the moment or to wait until later?
The TEFLer is a fortnightly companion for language teachers written by Simon Pearlman and brought to you by Active Language Teacher Training. You can subscribe on LinkedIn or here.
There are probably two main elements to consider around error correction; the aim of that stage in the lesson and, most importantly, the students involved. Both are important in guiding our decisions. Working with students and teachers in classrooms in language schools and training rooms on the Trinity CertTESOL course, error correction is a key differentiator in the success of a lesson. Error correction shows the real skill of a teacher beyond the mechanics of the lesson plan, there is a lot involved in these often split second decisions. Error correction is micro-skill that we need to practice.
We hear an error, we have a decision to make. Do we correct it? If so, do we do so in the moment, what we might call “hot correction”, or make a note and deal with it later, “cold correction”? Or indeed do we let it slide? We can't correct every error, of course, we have so many other things to do too, but let's do it when we can and do it with thought and care bases on solid teaching principles. Helping students build an understanding of their own errors is another element that is so important in their development and langauge users. So when should we correct or collect errors?
What's the aim of this stage in the class?
Is the aim of the stage in the lesson to work on accuracy or is it more about fluency?
This should be our main guide, if the focus is on fluency, we're probably more inclined to let the error go, make a note of it to deal with it later; lighter touch error correction. We want to build fluency and, of course, confidence, and over-correcting can knock confidence and interrupting can just get in the way.
Imagine we've just spent the lesson working on the difference between past simple and present perfect and now is the time to use it and you hear errors. Here the focus of the stage is on accuracy, so let's get in and correct as much as we can.
Being aware of our stage aims helps us understand what we want and can guide our choices around error correction.
What does each student want and need?
Our understanding of and relationship with our learners grows over time. We get to know what they want and what they need. Some students really welcome overt correction and others really don't. When we start with a group we are likely to be gentler and more cautious around correction and as we get to know them and, hopefully, as their trust in us grows, we can do more and push further.
Open the conversation up with your students, talk about correction, how and when. Often students say they want to be corrected as much as possible but do they really?
What are the interaction patterns?
Are students involved in pairwork or groupwork? Is it a whole group moment? How might error correction work with different interaction patterns?
When learners are engaged in a speaking activity, conversation is buzzing around in pairwork, that is often a great moment to correct or collect errors. There is the cover of other conversations to work in. In quieter classes, we might want to have some background music playing to give an extra layer of cover.
If there is open class discussion, we might well prefer to make a note. We're talking about whole group conversation here, not feedback on answers, of course.
The use of an eyebrow
Error correction is part and parcel of the TEFLer’s job, it’s also part of the art of teaching. Just a quizzical raising of an eyebrow or a twist of the neck can be enough for a student to sense that something is awry.
Our aim with error correction should probably be to help the student become aware of the errors they’re making and to help them improve accuracy and gain confidence.
Play with error correction and tread carefully too.
Happy TEFLing!
The TEFLer is a fortnightly companion for language teachers brought to you by Active Language Teacher Training providers of Trinity DipTESOL and CertTESOL and Teaching Younger Learners courses, www.activelanguage.net